Monday, June 24, 2013

The Right Professional....

We are living in difficult times where it’s very hard to trust people….

I spent ten years of my professional career helping families achieve financial security.  As a financial advisor I offered clients solutions for debt elimination, protection and retirement planning.  I was required to obtain several licenses from the Department of Financial Services including a Mortgage Broker license.  With this license, I was able to help hundreds of people either purchase their first home or refinance their existing home to eliminate debt.  

Our underwriters worked diligently when qualifying each client. We were required to be in compliance at all times and to provide full documentation to properly qualify every borrower.  As the financial expert, there were many times where I advised my clients it was not in their best interest to refinance or purchase a new home.   We prevented financial disaster by thoroughly analyzing income, consumer debt and assets.  It was the right thing to do….

It is very sad to see, in the news, how Bank of America allegedly used an unfortunate situation to gain financial benefit.  The allegations are that Bank of America paid bonuses to employees to initiate foreclosure on families.  These could have been families with children with no place to live, couples going through a divorce, or people with unpredictable illnesses that were unable to make a mortgage payment.  The government provided assistance and the banking industry took advantage. The lives affected by the economy crash continue to suffer the consequences of greed.  There are so many professionals, of all industries, that have used unfortunate situations to gain financial benefit and it’s heartbreaking to know that a child or an elderly could have been affected. 

We should always do what’s right for others regardless of the paycheck. Taking a shortcut is always going to cost you more in the long run.  I encourage people to seek professional guidance from an individual that’s been referred to them.  A referral is the best kind of advice since the person that referred you to them already knows how that professional works. DO the necessary research to hire the right professional that’s best for your situation and make sure everything is in writing.  A recession is temporary; better days are always ahead of you.  Don’t let one bad situation determine your future.

This is GOALYGO!

Yanira ALY Nazario :))

Monday, June 17, 2013

Taking Steps to Change....

Many people live in this world, constantly changing and moving, while others live life and don’t experience much change.

Why is change important? I believe it’s the only way you grow to a new level of success.  Success can be defined as your ability to accomplish a goal but, the definition of success is not the same for everyone. Some people view success as owning their own business, others view it as having a career while others just want a job. Regardless, we each have our own definition of success.

Many people are afraid of change, the unknown, and are not confident to take different steps.  It’s normal for us to feel this way especially when our skills, experiences or opportunities are limited. The “unknown” can be scary, compromising and hard to adjust to.  Many people say “I’m doing it,” but don’t realize how comfortable they are and that they’re really not moving forward.

I personally went through a period of my life in which I talked, and tried thinking about moving forward but I wasn’t taking any action.  I made myself believe I was taking action because I said “I’m moving forward, I’m doing this, it’s happening for me” but, I didn’t have any action to back up my words.  I was reluctant and very fearful about change.  It felt warm, comfortable and easy to do the same thing I was already doing every day.

Today, I live my life around a “To Do List” with a purpose.  This list has written goals, steps and deadlines for me to complete.  Life always presents us with unpredictable situations and so this is a way for me to remain focused.  Action creates movement which allows you to get to another place. Whenever I find myself comfortable, that’s when I feel lazy and don’t do much. I force myself every day to make better choices, complete “To Do Lists” and move one step further.  I encourage you to challenge your ability to be better, be different and it all starts with ONE step at a time….

This is GOALYGO!

Yanira ALY Nazario J

Friday, June 14, 2013

Can you survive “The Business World...."

Many people want to develop a business, be their own boss and live the American dream.

I started the business world back in 1998.  I was approached to start my very own “Global Travel Agency.”   Dreaming about this amazing opportunity to be rich, I was in heaven!  All I needed was a simple $1,000 investment.  Although I worked full-time, financially it was a challenge for me to meet all of my monthly obligations and save the extra money.   It was the ultimate dream for me to have my own business so I made the decision to work overtime.  I worked from 8am to 10pm, six days a week, for six months straight and after all my efforts I was finally able to save up enough money.  This investment meant the world to me. 

With my hard-earned $1,000 investment I set the appointment and signed the required documentation.  I was finally an agency owner.  I was so proud of my accomplishment and excited about the future!  Immediately I started talking to everyone about this great opportunity to travel with discounts, special benefits, travel packages, etc.  I attended every training event, read every training manual and was ready to take over the world.  The excitement of owning a global enterprise was in my heart.

I came across several people that were not very supportive about “the new business thing” and I would get discouraged from time to time but even still, I was passionate about my business and I kept pushing forward.  Over the next few weeks, I worked hard, hit the phones hard making as many phone calls as possible and learned the business.  I was excited and things were moving in the right direction. 

It was just under three months and I remember calling the main customer support number.   One of my clients needed assistance.   What happened next was devastating.   Our customer support number was disconnected.  I couldn’t get anyone on the phone.    My heart was immediately broken.   It turned out that the “Global Travel Agency” was neither real nor legal.  It was a scam to get people to pay money for a false dream.  I was devastated to know my dream of running a travel agency was never going to come true.   Completely heartbroken I spent the next few days and nights crying.  I was betrayed and felt hopeless about the future.

In life, we come across people that may not have our best interests at heart.  They use so-called opportunities to gain financial benefit without having any consideration about the people they’re hurting.  That’s why, since then, I follow my gut feeling with every decision I make and I always seek professional advice.  But the important message here is not to let failure determine your future.   Soon after I lost Global Travel Agency I started an EBay store from home.  This was a very profitable business for me for the next few years and was fun to do.  Then in 2003, I found the greatest opportunity of my life.   This investment was only $100.00 and changed my life forever.   I gained so much knowledge and had an amazing support system.

I encourage you to always seek professional advice when making important financial decisions and investments.  There will always be new opportunities in your life.  Don’t let one bad situation get in the way of achieving your dreams.
This is GOALYGO!
Yanira ALY Nazario :))

Monday, June 10, 2013

A Single Soul....

Many people have children in this world with unbelievable parenting practices.  

I had many conversations with friends, family and people about "Having children". I believe strongly that people should have children for their own motives, reasons and purpose in life. It is an ongoing decision process for me because I have no children by choice.

Do you think children are important? I believe if you want to have a family. I don't believe children are necessary in your life in order for you to be happy or have a relationship. I've seen so many women having kids hoping it could be a solution to bring relationships together and they end up raising children on their own. A child would never get you the heart of a man. 

I believe you are born to be an example to this world and give to others. I honestly don't think there is a "Perfect Time" to have a child. I think it comes from your heart in order to have a child. That desire to be a mother and share unconditional love. 

Many people decide to have children but only One. I strongly believe you should have more than One. Why? I believe it is essential for a child to interact with siblings.  I have many friends that are "The only Child", they grow up differently with many expectations. 

Personally, It breaks my heart every time I see my nephew play by himself and seek constant attention. I strongly believe is not fair to the child, many parents don't have more than one because they are focus on the responsibility. It is not about the parent, it is about the children future, interaction skills, development and social skills.

It is a personal decision to have children and become a parent. I admire single mom's and really respect their role. I don't think is fair for a child to be in this world with lack of attention, guidance and support. I normally work 12 to 15 hours a day, travel constantly with intensive agenda. Life is about sacrifices therefore a child would be a new chapter in the future. I encourage people to share their love, support and have more than a single soul.
This is GOALYGO!
Yanira ALY Nazario :))

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The possibility to WIN....

                                     Can you have happiness with a lottery ticket..?

It’s interesting how so many people went out of their way to buy a Powerball ticket on Saturday May 08, 2013. I had no idea the Powerball cash prize was so high. I was with a few friends and family members that day and listened to each one share their dreams and hopes of winning the Powerball and how winning would solve all their problems.

It’s rewarding to WIN large amounts of money and to be financially independent.  As we all know, bills and finances can bring stress and illness into a home.  Having money does make your life easier but not necessarily better.  I believe successful people are not essentially focused on the money itself but, become passionate about achieving certain milestones in their life and career.  Our ability to help others and truly appreciate life is really what makes us happy.  Money comes and goes, that’s why I believe in the saying “Enjoy it while you have it.”

Money is rewarded for your efforts.  The higher the sacrifices, the higher the paycheck.  Many people want a “doctor’s” salary but yet have no enthusiasm to get out of bed, work extra hours, get a proper education or take the time to find a job.  There are some people in this world that will only do things for financial gain or certain benefits and not because they truly care about someone.  I call these people “unhappy suckers.”

It was interesting to see people excited about that ONE possibility of winning and to feel their enthusiasm.  I wish people would have that same feeling of excitement every day with their own lives regardless of their financial situation; the simple joy of living and cherishing the present moment.  I’ve trained myself to always appreciate each day so that I can live a meaningful life regardless of what I have or don’t have.  I hope people realize how much they went out of their way to buy a Powerball ticket on Saturday and how they normally don’t go out of their way to workout, read, improve their lives, etc.  I encourage people to live each day with the same enthusiasm a Powerball ticket can bring into your life. Each day is a new opportunity to GO beyond your existing situation.

This is GOALYGO!

Yanira ALY Nazario :))

Monday, June 3, 2013

Do you live your life with "Regrets"....

How to understand the term “Regrets”?

Our network has a book club in which we work on self-improvement every week. This particular morning we were conducting a goal setting exercise. We started discussing some of the things we haven’t been able to do and many “regrets” from our past. This topic of discussion was fascinating for me.

After discussing some of our club member’s “regrets”, we realized in life we should never feel guilty, ashamed or bad about our decisions. We have a tendency to analyze our decisions and emotions from our past.  We should never have any “regrets” because our past decisions were made with the knowledge and experiences we had at that moment, not now.

 Any decision we make is normally based on current wants and emotions.  If you develop a feeling of guilt or “regret” it usually brings negative energy into your life.  Therefore, embrace new opportunities that are available for you today.  If you ever feel “regrets,” please remember that you made those decisions with the knowledge you had at that moment.  You will never be able to change your past but, you can make better choices moving forward.

This is GOALYGO!


Yanira ALY Nazario J