Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Today sucks!

Today was one of those days where I wanted to throw in the towel, shut my doors and find the nearest bridge to jump off of. LOL

We all know that certain unfortunate situations happen in life but sometimes we’re just not ready for the punch.  I don’t believe we can ever prepare ourselves fully for the punches because who wants to go through life thinking about struggles and bad days; nobody.  I always say the bigger the reward, the more struggles you are going to face.

My day started off with having to address a situation with my business in Puerto Rico.  I can only handle so much by phone so I had to put the appropriate people in place to resolve the issue. The ability to understand both parties and come up with a way to find a cost effective solution isn’t easy. 

After dealing with that I had to finalize a project that’s just two weeks away and figure out the logistics behind it.  We have the resources but, things are just not happening fast enough.  We have to wait for people, follow up with calls and get confirmations.  It takes more than just mental focus to deal with an operation that requires you to be the captain of the ship.  People say, “You were born with it.” Today, I want to say “Yeah, but why go through all of this…what’s the reason?”   It’s a feeling that I can’t explain because as much as I want to scream, I know everything is going to be fine.

You want to believe “Yes, everything happens for a reason” but, as humans we want to know the reason today.  The most remarkable thing is that I’m not stopping production or our plans. We must operate with a sense of faith that goes beyond our own imagination.

This is GO ALY GO!

Yanira ALY Nazario :)) 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

My Real Estate Journey...!

It was truly determination and discipline!

For the last six years, I’ve had my own travel agency that provides vacation home rentals.   Our business is well-established and we continue to get repeat customers and many referrals.  Many of our travelers have inquired about investing in Florida real estate and I’ve always referred the business out to a real estate agent.  I was recently discussing my 2015 business plan with an old friend.  We went over a few investment opportunities with international buyers and he immediately suggested that I get a real estate license.  My response to him was “I am too busy to GO sit for a license.”  He walked away and said “GO do it.”

I started thinking about and analyzing my schedule, pending projects and future plans and said to myself “there is no way I can do this.”  I know the studying and time it takes to get certain licenses having gotten my life insurance and mortgage brokers’ license in the past.  I went in circles for about a week and one night I finally said “I can do this…GO ALY GO!”   The next day I completed the state application and signed up for a three week real estate course.  That following Monday, I went to work as usual but at 6:00pm that evening I had my very first real estate class.   Every day for three weeks (after a long day at the office) as I was on my way to class, I thought “why am I doing this?…I just want to quit and go home.”  It felt like the longest three weeks of my life.  It was very intense with lots of information.

I made the decision to go back to one of the most important principles of success; having discipline.  My days started at 6:00am and ended at 2:00am. I continued to run my business, attended class from 6pm to 10pm, read every chapter and completed the homework.  I took a two hour break during the day and visited the library to study the next chapter in class.  The course was finally over and after studying for more than 16 hours over the weekend I passed the class exam.   With the class exam out of the way, it was now time to schedule my state exam.  I immediately became nervous and overwhelmed. I took three days away from the world with just the course book and ME.  My brain was dead and I was mentally exhausted from lack of sleep.

It was on a Thursday when I drove to Lakeland, Florida to test for the state exam.  I felt confident and ready until I sat in front of the computer.  The questions might as well have been written in another language.  I was so confused and overwhelmed but, I confidently responded with my best answer until I reached question 65 and my brain died.  I became very anxious and decided to take a break to walk off my anxiety.   After regaining my composure I came back and finished answering all the questions. I was so nervous walking out of the testing room to get my results.   With trembling hands I grabbed my test results. “Pass!”  I laugh thinking back to when the lady said “Congratulations” and I responded “Thanks, that was very hard and I think I’m going to cry like right now.”  Tears immediately started flowing. It was a joyful moment to know that my determination and discipline paid off.

Today, I look back on those six weeks of sacrifices and lots of commitment to studying. I am happy to say I successfully completed the 45 hour post licensing requirement and passed the state exam.  It is extraordinary to say that I passed three exams when my excuses and fears were fighting with me every day to give up.  We are now finalizing our business plans for 2015 to help international buyers with their real estate investments.  This milestone is truly an example of discipline and determination. 

This is GOALYGO!

Yanira ALY Nazario :))

Friday, August 22, 2014

How much can you LOVE?

I was driving down I-4 when thoughts about my past came into my mind; from loving my first boyfriend, to loving my ex-husband to loving other special men that have come into my life that I’ll always remember.   As I was driving, it felt like I was watching a movie about my past and I was able to pick something that I loved about each of these men.  I realized that sometimes we love certain people and we have no reason; we just LOVE them.  Sometimes people mistreat you and you still LOVE them.  I always say “I LOVE you but that doesn’t mean I like you.”  Haha…Why?  Because sometimes you don’t “like” what a person does but you still love them.

I believe when you first start a relationship you give so much of yourself and the love just comes from within naturally.   Just thinking about it makes me laugh about all the things that LOVE makes you do.  Things like bending over backwards to support every idea your significant other has, being their rock for them to lean on and being their biggest cheerleader.  You give and don’t expect.  You tolerate everything because you LOVE them and you just want them to love you the same.  We all have different love languages and many don’t understand how some people want to be loved.

Many people get disappointed with the game of love because the minute someone says hello, they think this person likes them or loves them. You have to realize that liking someone is totally different than loving them.  Loving someone means not doing things that would harm or hurt that person.  Just because people are in a relationship doesn’t mean they are truly happy or even love each other.  

Sometimes we find ourselves giving so much and supporting so much but we can’t get the other person to appreciate our efforts or give us the love we deserve.  You know they LOVE you but, not enough to meet your bucket of love.  That’s why before you find yourself disappointed with a relationship; ask yourself this question “How much can I LOVE?”.

This is GO ALY GO!

Yanira ALY Nazario :))

Friday, August 8, 2014

My GOALYGO Journal: My Dream...

My GOALYGO Journal: My Dream...: It was a dream of mine since I was 14 years old.   The dream to have my very own business.   After working 15 years in Corporate America, ...

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My Dream...

It was a dream of mine since I was 14 years old.  The dream to have my very own business.  After working 15 years in Corporate America, I found the courage to pursue my dream but, I also found myself unemployed, divorced, broken-hearted and couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.   Determined to fulfill my dreams, I decided to visit the library and did some research on how to open a business.  I began visiting the library daily, reading different books and using their internet for up to two hours at a time.  I didn’t have the finances to afford internet at home or the resources to afford my own office but, with many hopes and determination I finally decided to open up my own business.

During this journey, many people took advantage of my lack of knowledge and ended up taking money from me.  I came across those that were not willing to share the secrets to success but, I also met people that gave me hope, inspiration and encouragement to take the next step.  I began with running my business out of the trunk of my car, using parking lots to schedule appointments and coffee shops to meet clients.  The library continued to be my resource with very little income to spare for late fees on books.

I learned so many valuable lessons from starting up my own business that it was only natural for me to want to help others and that’s how the GOALYGO Network was born.  I always dreamed of a place where I could feel confident in finding information, resources, connections and guidance on how to start and grow my business.  The GOALYGO Network is home for any entrepreneur.  A place where people can develop new ideas, grow their business and celebrate success.  I’m grateful today because I didn’t give up on my dreams. Today, we are able to share our Business Center with new entrepreneurs and business owners that are looking for ways to grow, taking one step at a time. 

This is GO ALY GO!  

Yanira ALY Nazario :0)~

Thursday, July 31, 2014

My GOALYGO Journal: A step back..

My GOALYGO Journal: A step back..: My life was moving forward with different projects, new opportunities and great ideas.   It was very exciting to experience new levels of ...

Sunday, July 27, 2014

A step back..

My life was moving forward with different projects, new opportunities and great ideas.  It was very exciting to experience new levels of success and to share my accomplishments with others.  

I woke up this morning, in early 2014, and began going through my emails.  I came across some information with a promising new opportunity.   The opportunity was to share my business, ideas and future with someone else.   I continued the conversations and emails and discussed possible changes but kept feeling uneasy about the overall situation.  

I’ve always believed deep inside that we know what’s good for us but, sometimes we convince ourselves to do things that are not necessarily beneficial for us.   It took me weeks to realize this proposal was not going to be profitable for either of us and in the end I lost focus of my primary business.   I believe we’re always learning to be more disciplined and make wiser choices.  I’m glad I was able to discover that as much as I want things, sometimes those things don’t benefit my career.

Every now and then it helps to take your emotions and heart out of a situation because they can confuse you at times.   It’s also important for us to step away from the demands of everyday life so that we don’t become overwhelmed.   I believe I have the Super Powers necessary to continue to be better and reach new levels but, I needed to take a step back to put things in perspective so that I could be more productive moving forward.  Don’t be afraid to take a step back.   It is necessary at times! You can do this!

This is GO ALY GO!

Yanira Aly Nazario :0)~

Monday, May 19, 2014

What is work for you..?

                                    When you truly enjoy and love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work…

Recently, I was in my “Aly Bubble” for a few days working on our plans for 2014 and every time my friends and family called my answer was, “I’ll call you back because I’m in the middle of working on my business plan.”  It was a friend of mine that said “Aly, you are always working and you never take a break.  Even at 11pm you are working.”   It was at that moment when I said, “This is not work for me.”

People don’t understand what’s going on in my head.  Many think it’s work; like you go into the office, clock in, do your work and go home.  That’s not what I do.  I explained to my friend how much I enjoy doing what I do.  I’m passionate about creating projects, developing ideas into reality and truly helping people.  When I get home and get back on my laptop it’s because I want to get more information, finish a plan or do some research.  I have trained myself for years to be resourceful, knowledgeable and educated about many different industries.

You see, people don’t realize how I train myself to do what I need to do. You can easily train yourself to sit on the couch and watch TV for hours or go to the library and read books.  You have total control of what you desire to do with your time.  It works the same way with successful athletes.  You have certain athletes that are determined to run longer and practice longer.  You also have certain people that have great skills but don’t do much with them because they create excuses that become barriers between their success and results.

When you truly love what you do, you have no excuses not to be at the office or stay longer than the typical work day.  It becomes a part of your life because it’s fun and enjoyable.  Many people are not trained to work more than 9 to 5 but that doesn’t mean everyone must have a set schedule.  I love the freedom to create ideas from my bed or at the office.  I can be at the office at 11:00am if I want to or leave at midnight if needed.  A business is not like a job.  You are the creator and the daily growth of your future depends on YOU!

This is GOALYGO!

Yanira ALY Nazario :0)~

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Pet Love!

                                      You’ll never know pet love until you share your love with a pet… 

I have so many great memories from my childhood.  Growing up, in Puerto Rico, we always had Chihuahuas and when I was twelve years old we had two Chihuahuas named Popi and Mota.  Mota was a female and she was my sister’s favorite.  Popi was a male and he was mine.  We loved Popi and Mota so much; they were our family.  That summer we traveled to Orlando, Florida to visit our family.  My father stayed behind to watch over the dogs and plus he was needed at work.   Sadly, while we were gone Popi passed away.  I’ll never forget the day when my mom said to me, “Popi is dead.”  It was the first time in my life that I experienced the pain of a broken heart.

Several years later, we moved to Florida and had been living there for a few years when my sister’s boyfriend gave her a small gift bag that held the cutest Chihuahua named Macho.  Macho was a very special dog and the minute you walked in the door, he was seated waiting to greet you “welcome home.”  We shared so many special moments with him up until he passed away in October 2007 due to heart complications. Then we had another special addition to our family that joined us in 2008.  Her name was Nina.  She was a beautiful Pit-bull that lived with me for some time.   She belonged to Sam, my brother-in-law, and she was so adorable.  She spent the night with me many times when I was scared about lizards coming into the house.  Nina was very active and playful until she started having health complications with diabetes and passed away in Feb 2013.

Today, we are happy to share our love with two new family members.  Bowser The King, a Chihuahua, moved into the Sanchez household last March 2013.  He lives with my sister and we are training him to be gentle with his love.  He loves you so much that he can’t control his excitement sometimes. J  BEBO, The Prince, also a Chihuahua, moved into the GOALYGO household in Jan 2014.   He is Bowser’s brother.  Bebo is so adorable and growing fast.  We grow closer every day and have our own special mother-puppy love language. 

I wasn’t expecting to ever have another dog in my life after losing Popi.  I realized that I didn’t want to be hurt again. It was the first time I experienced love towards a pet and losing that love also came with a sense of abandonment.  I was devastated.  I never knew how much losing Popi affected me until recently when I welcomed Bebo home. He looked at me so fearful and I couldn’t help but say to him “I can’t leave you behind, welcome home.”  On our way home that night, I felt that special love again and a sense of support, loyalty and caring.  There he was in my house checking things out and I said “Not sure what your name’s gonna be but, you are my bebo.”  As soon as I said that his ears perked up, his eyes got big and I said “that’s it, BEBO, that’s your name.”  Since then, we are developing a unique relationship.  After 24 years of having lost Popi and being afraid to love again, I remember once more how special pet love is. A love that’s priceless.   Bebo brought back special memories and his heart to my house. I look forward to sharing many years with him and celebrating many birthdays.

Welcome Home Bebo!  This is GOALYGO!

P.S.  He is very curious lately.  To prove it, the following characters were typed by him while I wrote this blog!:0)~
6++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++    He thinks playing with the keyboard is fun.

This is GOALYGO! :0)

Yanira ALY Nazario

Sunday, April 27, 2014


For many years, I wondered why I had an accent and other people didn’t, why people laughed when I made mistakes speaking English, why men discriminated against female CEOs and why corporate promotions were based on what type of degree you had? 

Society can be very cruel at times and that’s why we must be very aware of not allowing certain remarks to create limitations in our lives.  I find racial and gender specific discrimination very disrespectful and I have zero tolerance for them.  These hurtful comments can stay with you forever and they can be very destructive in someone’s life.  I do not find it funny and have no problem speaking up if someone is discriminating against another person.

I will never get people to stop making fun of my accent, my English mistakes and funny bloopers when I speak at times.  It is something I have learned to accept and I laugh about it every day.  However, for many years I found them offensive and felt limited because I didn’t sound like an American.  I knew I was capable of doing more but, because people made fun of me I became insecure and feared public speaking and writing.  Eventually, I learned to overcome these insecurities by trying regardless of what other people said.  My life changed when I decided to live my life and ignore any negative comments or opinions.

I never experienced gender specific discrimination until I built my own company.  It was during a meeting where we were finalizing terms and negotiations with another company to do business together.   Our male technology director had just finished presenting to the other company’s CEO.   After the presentation the company’s CEO asked, “Who is responsible for signing the contract?”   Our technology director pointed his finger towards me and said, “You need to speak with her.”  Then the CEO said, “I want to speak with your company’s CEO not his administrative assistant.”  I stood up, walked over to him with confidence and said, “I decide who I do business with since I am the CEO of this company.”  And he said, “You are a very smart woman to have such a talented team.”  I never felt so disgusted by someone assuming a male had to be the one running a company.

There were many times in my corporate career where I was told I couldn’t get the promotion because I didn’t speak English well or because I didn’t have a college degree.   People can discriminate all they want but, I know that when you work hard anything is possible.  I might not speak perfect English or have a college degree but my determination has proven itself time and time again and has given me the opportunity to have a successful business.  It’s not about having the perfect education or degree; it’s about just doing it and believing in yourself!

This is GOALYGO!

Yanira ALY Nazario :))

Friday, April 4, 2014

How can someone be Homeless?

                           This is something I’ve always thought about but, never had an understanding of.

Every day I walk from the parking garage to my office and always come across a homeless person that’s either sleeping behind the parking garage or on the sidewalk.  I always think to myself “Why?”   I see so many homeless people downtown during the cold winter months or rainy season with nowhere to go and I want to ask them “Why don’t you have any friends or family or people in your life?”

The other day I met with a group of Brazilian investors to go over a few multi-million dollar projects and other business plans.  We went over different ideas, new products and our vision for the future.  Once we were done we all decided to go out for lunch and we came across two homeless people.  My heart was immediately broken thinking, “What happened to them?  Do they still dream about the future and why haven’t they gotten any help?”

I believe in this country we are given the opportunity to choose our careers, choose our friends and the life that we think we deserve.  I know there are some homeless people have mental disabilities due to a traumatic incident in their life but everyone should have the resources, like a friend or family, to get help.   It’s crazy to think there are those with great lives and then next to them there’s someone with no hope.  They are blind, broken and have no inspiration.

We live in too great of a country to have so many homeless people when there’s so much opportunity.   I can understand those that are mentally not well but even then we have so many doctors, programs, churches and good people in this world.   There are many times where I find myself wanting to stop and ask, “Why are you homeless?” but, instead I continue with my steps to the office keeping them in my prayers and sending them blessings.  How can someone be so alone in this world?

This is GOALYGO!

Yanira ALY Nazario :0)~

Monday, March 24, 2014

New Entrepreneurs!

                                         I just love meeting with new entrepreneurs to discuss their business.

It’s exciting to meet that new idea or new business that provides different services.  It’s interesting to learn what excites others and what challenges they face on a daily basis.  After speaking with hundreds of entrepreneurs I find two common concerns.

Lack of Capital – Many people have great ideas, connections and provide a great service but, need more capital. I understand it takes money to make money but, how can you make money when you have no money.  My advice is always “work with what you have.”   Focus on the things that make you money now before you start working on other plans or want to expand your services.  Plan your next investment before you spend any money.   Create a list of all the things you want for your business and then prioritize them in the order of what will bring you revenue today.

Example 1:  If you only have $100 to spend for your business and are deciding between ordering business cards or running a newspaper ad, order the business cards.  The business cards are more important because you can reach more people with a direct approach.  Join different networking groups; most of them are free and simply talk to people about your services.

Example 2: If you need a website but don’t have the $500 to create it find alternatives like a Facebook page that also provides social media exposure and allows you to reach more people organically.  Many people don’t take action because they are too busy focused on what they don’t have instead of working with the resources they do have.

Lack of People – This is a very common concern for many business owners.  We all want more people. Many times new entrepreneurs want to build their business themselves since it’s their baby and a lot of times don’t have the money to pay for expert advice.  My life changed when I realized I wasn’t able to do it all by myself.  I needed help and so I hired on a few volunteers and others that were on a commission only basis before I was able to put people on payroll.  Don’t ever forget that every big successful business was a startup at one point.

There are many painful steps involved in developing a business but, it’s only temporary.  Many people focus all their energy on graphics, website designs, creating forms and doing other technical stuff.  Your time should be invested wisely like in building relationships with potential clients, marketing your products and attending events to bring in more business.  I always say “a conversation with someone about your business is more effective in creating revenue than spending time on building a website.”    You can do it!  Don’t give up!
This is GOALYGO!
Yanira ALY Nazario :0)~

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Hello! This is BEBO...

Hello Everyone,

This is Bebo.  My mom is GOALYGO and I’ve been in my new home for 30 days.  Let me share with you how awesome my life is and how much I enjoy this new home. I finally learned how to go up and down the stairs.  I also learned how to jump on the couch and cry non-stop every time my mom takes a shower. I just want to be with her all the time but she takes long showers and I get so bored.  I found a new toy called toilet paper that keeps me busy when I’m bored and just want to play.  My mom doesn’t understand how much I love it and how much I want her to spend time with me. She says I snore sometimes when I’m sleeping.

My mom buys me a lot of puppy toys and other cool stuff but my favorite toys are her feet and toilet paper.  I bite her nails, feet, legs, hands, hair and I just love playing with her. My mom is different because she doesn’t have a TV so I usually see her reading and writing on something that looks like a computer.  I think it’s called a laptop. Sometimes I just want her to stop working so I take her mouse and walk all over her lap to interrupt her.   It makes me laugh and I enjoy getting her attention.  I love her too because when I go outside she gives me yummy treats.

I noticed that my mom, GOALYGO, isn’t around all the time because she drops me off at Momma Jojo’s house for babysitting.  I love Momma Jojo’s house because I play with Bowser and get to sleep in a big bed with him. He’s my brother and I miss him at times.  I hear my mom travels and works long hours.  I love it when my mom picks me up because when I see her I get so excited and happy. We live in a big house and to make sure people know this is my house I bark when I hear noises or when we get visitors.  When I’m home and my mom is working late, I get upset because she keeps the lights on when I’m trying to sleep. 

I finally met my grandparents recently and they are so cool.  They have a big yard that I love to run around in.  My mom has a few friends that come over to visit and play games and to be honest I only like a few of them.  There are some that I’m still trying to welcome into our home and that’s why sometimes I don’t leave my mom’s lap.  I met these cool girls named Daisy and Norma that I really like and this baby girl Julianna. They were a lot of fun to be around and super nice with us.

There are times when I know I misbehave but, I always find a way for my mom to forgive me. My mom left me inside my crate one day because she couldn’t take me with her and so I sat there bored.  Momma GOALYGO left the light on and some music playing but I didn’t care about the radio because I found a way to open the cage and get out.  I ended up chewing up my mom’s book, shoes, toilet paper, bed sheets, business cards, chair and spilled water all over the floor.   All of a sudden I heard my mom’s car pull up and I quickly looked for a place to hide.  I didn’t have much time so I decided to hide under her pillows.  I heard her scream my name several times and didn’t realize that my ears were sticking out from under the pillows.  Uh-oh….she found me.

I continue to find ways to entertain myself but, at the same time learn the rules of my new home. I am learning to go outside and come right back when my mom’s calls me.  Sometimes I hide under her car just to let her know that I’m not ready to go back inside.  It’s fun to watch her chase me around and try to catch me.  I enjoy my new home and love my new mom.  I love the comfort of snuggling up to her neck when it’s time for bed.
Hope to see everyone soon!
BEBO Lucas Willis

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What's my Special SPIRIT?

                                                This is something special not everyone has….

What is the spirit of the entrepreneur? On Monday, I woke up around 6:00am to start getting ready for work.  I was doing my make-up and realized I was actually excited about going into the office.  I couldn’t wait to get out the door and on the road.  For a second, I thought that was weird since the world hates Mondays but, then I realized not everyone has the spirit of the entrepreneur.  To be able to walk into an office with no directions, no expectations, no guidance, and no accountability other than the one that you set for yourself is the powerful spirit of the entrepreneur. You don’t know how; you just know that you must.

This spirit is so special because it comes from within and flows through your body, mind and heart. The power to create ideas, develop strategies and implement solutions. You don’t know how things happen but you continue to provide a service. Your heart beats differently when you hear the word “business.” You walk faster because this spirit guides you to move forward and opens the door to new opportunities. The entrepreneur spirit talks to your heart and fuels you with passion for your new business venture.  It’s a powerful force and when you find yourself facing challenges, you spring into action and take control.  You learn to manage even when your brain tells you to walk away.

Many people can’t relate because they weren’t born with the entrepreneur spirit. They may like the idea of a business and the possibility but, it’s just not in them.  When you talk to a fellow entrepreneur it’s like speaking a different language because you both understand how the business world works. Many people get excited about an idea but, very few take action and carry it on to completion.  Only the spirit of the entrepreneur can move your heart to reach the ultimate goal.  Your steps are stronger, your determination speaks loud and your success has no limits.

I encourage you to look within yourself to discover if you have the spirit of the entrepreneur.

This is GOALYGO!

Yanira ALY Nazario :0)~