Monday, February 24, 2014

Who is in my circle of influence?

                                          This is a very important topic and can determine your success.

There’s a saying my mother would always tell me…. “Dime con quien andas y te dire quien tu eres.”   In English it means, “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.”  This saying has always been a guide for me to choose my friends and business relationships wisely.  It’s so important for us to make the right relationship choices.   When you hang out with successful people, you see wealth and great achievements but, when you hang out with negative people they see unemployment, no money and hard times.  I understand we’re all faced with unfortunate circumstances from time to time but, what language are you speaking?

Many people say “But Aly, it’s easy for you to say because you have a business and you have this and that…” Well, the truth is that it’s not easy and what I have didn’t appear overnight.  People forget the time you have to invest in developing your skills and relationships to achieve success.   I learned the basic principles of business when I started in the business world back in 2003.  My business coach told me “Hang out with people better than you and become a student.”  I was taught a formula that changed my attitude and helped my business grow.  The formula is “spend 80% of your time with successful and wealthy people and 20% with other people.”   I learned so much by surrounding myself with successful individuals and by trying to attend every possible seminar to develop my skills. Today, I continue this principle because we are always students and there’s always room for improvement.

We become a reflection of the people we spend most of our time with. Be wise in choosing your group of friends and acquaintances.  I have many different circles of influence and they each have a place and time in my life.  Your time is very valuable and it’s the biggest asset you have.   When people say “I’m broke” the first question that comes to mind is, “Tell me how 80% of the people you hang out with are doing financially.”   It is so important to be aware of that 80% influence.   If you ask the same question to successful people, the answer will be different; not because they are better but, because they speak a different language.  The same applies to people that like to party a lot or people that are very fit and active.  You’ll see that the majority of their friends are just like them and they all have the tendency to think alike.  We are who we associate ourselves with.

I encourage you to become more aware of your circle of influence.  It is vitally important for you to succeed and choose to surround yourself with people that can teach you from their life lessons learned in the past. Become a student and choose your circle wisely.  Be cordial to everyone but, spend most of your time with those that can teach you new things and you’ll see how all of a sudden you’ll end up speaking the same language of success!

This is GOALYGO!

Yanira ALY Nazario :0)~

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