Thursday, July 11, 2013

Do you have SuperPowers?


I believe everyone has a competitor inside of them with unlimited super powers.

The responses I receive from friends, family and everyone on Facebook when I talk about my “Super Powers” is hilarious.  People either LAUGH or get annoyed by my crazy posts about  It’s pretty funny to think about having “super powers” but I do it to inspire others to go beyond their fears, doubts and to bring out their competitive side.

What are my Aly Super Powers, you ask?   Well, first let me explain what a super power is.  A super power is the ability to overcome a challenge or situation with a positive thought.  The determination to move forward, regardless of your present circumstances, with faith, belief and strength.  The power to accomplish your goals with positive energy and an incredible drive.

There are many times in life where the odds are against you but, only you can decide if you are going to focus on the limitations or the opportunities.  As an entrepreneur, I have trained myself to view situations in a positive way; to use connections, opportunities and strategic planning to move closer to a particular goal.  Some people come across an opportunity and only see obstacles and immediately envision failure while others are presented with the same opportunity and see the benefits and rewards.  You can be either optimistic or pessimistic.

In order to use my super powers, I have to be in a state of mind that I call “Aly’s Bubble.”  Many people close to me can tell when I enter “Aly’s Bubble.”  I normally get the “oh boy, there she goes….” look.  It’s a place where my determination, drive and focus are so sharp that nothing can get in my way. There are no limitations, no restrictions…it’s a Done Deal!  This place brings out an extremely powerful belief of faith for me. There is no failure or doubt about a successful outcome.  I’m able to connect with my mind, body and soul to make rational decisions instead of emotional ones.  Some people don’t understand what it takes to be mentally strong and to survive challenges in life.

I encourage people to practice and train your mind to focus on the desirable direction of your life by using your own super powers.  I know it’s not easy for some people to dream or envision their goals but you can start training your mind to evolve and dream!  I’ll be going into more detail on how to continue to develop and train your mind over the next couple weeks.  It is your time to dream and use your super powers to live the life you deserve…! 
Yanira ALY Nazario :)) 

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