Friday, August 30, 2013

Where is my car? Tow Truck...!

It is proven that when you are nice, people remember…

I believe it’s important to be nice to others regardless of what is going on in your life because you never know when your paths might cross again. We should also always be aware of the attitude we project to others.

Our network hosts events throughout Central Florida at different locations each month.  Our team is responsible in making sure the venue is reserved, invitations sent and all event logistics finalized.  As a leader, it is vital for me to be on time.  I try my best to be sure I am always punctual.   Even though we have great leaders on our team that help oversee the operation, I must set the example and make sure we are ready to go!

On Friday July 27, 2013, we hosted a business event at Don Jefe’s in Downtown Orlando.  I needed to be at the venue by 5:30pm.  It was a busy day and by the time I responded to my last email, returned my last phone call and battled rush hour traffic, time had already ran out.  It was 5:25pm and I needed to make a decision.  Do I make an excuse to be late or do I take leadership and show up on time?  I had 5 minutes left before I would be considered late to the event.  I thought to myself “this is my company and I cannot be late!”  I was running out of time and couldn’t find my usual parking spot so I drove into the first lot I saw.  The parking lot had a sign that read “Reserved Parking, Unauthorized Vehicles Will Be Towed.”  I was a little hesitant at first but, it was after business hours so I hoped for the best and rushed over to the event barely making it on time.

It was around 9:30pm; four hours had passed since I left my car in the “Reserved Parking” lot.   As I started walking back to my car my heart starting racing with anxiety thinking that I may not find my car where I left it.  As I approached the parking lot, to my horror, there were five men surrounding my car getting ready to hitch it to the tow truck!  Now, I’m only 5’3” so standing in front of five big men was pretty intimidating.  I kindly said, “Hey, this is my vehicle and I’m sorry if I parked in the wrong place…” and one of the men responded “Read the sign.“    As I started to plead for my car back I noticed the gentleman that oversees the parking lot and he says  “I remember you, you come to do events here in downtown Orlando, don’t you?” I said, “Yes, we have a business network”  and he told the five men “She’s good, I remember her, give her the car back.  I said “Thank you very much!”  And the tow truck backed away and I was Free to GO.

You never know how people are going to perceive you when you speak or walk by them.  You should always be polite to others because they will remember your face and how you made them feel.  I felt blessed to know that people can do nice things for others.  I truly appreciate the parking lot attendant being so understanding and not allowing them to tow my car.  He knew I wasn’t someone with a bad attitude nor was I trying to fight with him.  I encourage you to always be pleasant and respectful of others because you never know when they are going to say “I remember you…”
This is GOALYGO!
Yanira ALY Nazario :))

Friday, August 23, 2013

A Purpose for Everything...

Many people believe that “everything happens for a reason…”

With having experienced so many different situations in my life, I truly believe without a doubt that everything does, in fact, happen for a reason.  We usually don’t understand why certain things happen until time goes by and allows us to see the bigger picture.  I believe time shows you everything.  It’s like watching a movie of your life where you can see how different events came together, why they took place and how you grew from those moments.

We sometimes don’t accept the reality of our situations and only see what we want to believe but, sooner or later the truth comes out.  We avoid making certain decisions or changes in our lives because we’re afraid of the unknown but, once we accept our reality we begin to understand why things happened the way they did.   

For many years I found myself asking “when is this going to happen for me?” and “why am I experiencing these horrible feelings?” but, eventually everything fell into place and I experienced what was meant for me.  Things that consume a lot of energy and strength are usually not the best options for us but, every event in our lives has its purpose even when things go really bad.  It’s the only way we get to grow into a new level of maturity and gain wisdom.

I encourage you to be patient and understanding with every moment in your life because there is always a lesson to be learned.  The lesson to understand what happened, why it happened and how you can strive to be better.  Everything happens for a reason.   I encourage you to embrace new opportunities and changes because it’s the only way you can become a better YOU.
This is GOALYGO!
Yanira ALY Nazario :))

Monday, August 12, 2013

NOT Everything Works...Life Moves Fast

Life moves fast and sometimes we don’t realize how fast we’re going.

It was early 2011 when I decided to dedicate all my efforts to a new project I was working on in Puerto Rico. This new business was taking up a lot of my energy, money and time and unfortunately things were not falling into place as I had planned.  I felt like I kept hitting road blocks; everywhere I turned there was an issue or some type of problem and things were just not working out but, I was still hopeful.

I decided to give it one more try and so I booked a business trip to Puerto Rico for twelve long days. This trip was planned for me to iron out all the final details and move forward with our business launch.  I was willing to do everything within my power to make this new business profitable.   I went from meeting to meeting, met a lot of new faces but, for some reason, something just didn’t feel right.  I was completely exhausted and stressed out.  I was working non-stop with barely any sleep and was genuinely concerned.

It was the last day of my trip when I unexpectedly started to feel sick.  It had been a pretty demanding business trip so I figured I had just over done it and my body was finally shutting down.  I had one last meeting right before my flight, with a distributor, to communicate the expectations and deadlines our company had for the project.   After the meeting I drove straight to the airport to head back home to Orlando.  At that point I really started to feel weak but, I kept moving forward and boarded the plane.  As we were getting ready to take off the flight attendant approached me and asked “Are you ok?  You look sick.”  And I responded “Oh, I’m just really tired; it’s been a long week.”

We finally land in Orlando when all of a sudden I feel a hot sensation on the right side of my stomach to the point where I had a hard time walking.  It was a weird feeling but I kept moving anxious to get home.   As soon as I got home I took a shower and noticed some type of insect bite on my stomach. The area was completely red and swollen.  I called my mother right away and she told me to monitor the bite and apply Neosporin.

When morning came my condition had worsened.  The pain was so intense that I was unable to walk or do much of anything.  I ended up in the emergency room with absolutely no energy, could barely breathe and was told I needed an emergency surgery right away.  I had been bitten by a poisonous spider during my trip to Puerto Rico and had a very serious infection.  I was given five different antibiotics but, none would kill the bacteria.  To make matters worse, I was also told I had a twenty percent chance of survival.  I found myself at the hospital fighting for my life.  

Thankfully the surgery was a success and I slowly started to recover.  That was the moment I realized that work is not everything in our lives. I had an opportunity to evaluate what really mattered in my life and know who my true friends were.  I ended up terminating the contract we had with the distributor in Puerto Rico and took three months off from work.  I needed to reevaluate certain things and make changes.  I couldn’t believe I had ended up in the hospital and almost lost my life.  So many bad things were happening.  I found out two years later that the same distributor we had started working with ended up in jail for conducting unethical business.  At that moment I realized that “The Spider Bite” was a lesson to slow down.

I no longer rush into situations or business arrangements with people.  I’ve learned to allow time to show what’s best for me.  I encourage you to slow down and try to live a stress-free life because in the end you are only hurting yourself.  Today I live a healthy life. I handle situations case by case and have learned to trust my senses.


This is GOALYGO!


Yanira ALY Nazario J

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Everything starts with YOU!

Often times we don’t realize how quickly we’re moving and how fast we’re changing.  Every once in a while it’s important for us to take a moment to breath and allow ourselves to take a break from the business of each day.  This is what I call “Me Time.”

It’s a time for me to relax, do whatever I enjoy doing the most and just be happy.  When I have Me Time the day is timeless; no agenda, no schedule, nothing.   It’s a day where I do everything out of the pure joy of the moment with no limits or feelings of guilt.  If it means enjoying a slice of pizza or indulging in chocalate ice cream with almonds then that’s what I'm doing.

This personal time allows me to re-evaluate what’s important in my life and to truly connect with my soul.  A typical Me day, is a day where I dress comfy casual, spend a few hours outdoors enjoying the fresh air and think back on past and present events.   It’s a time for me to make final decisions, move on from those decisions and eliminate any doubt.

I usually start my day by visiting one of my favorite restaurants where I can enjoy a delicious meal and then plan my next fun activity.  Two of my favorite things to do are to either go to the movies or spend a day at the spa.   Having Me Time reminds me that I don’t need things, people or money to make me happy.  I get to enjoy just being by myself and connecting with my inner soul.

I’ve always dreamed about having the freedom to do things for me.   The moment I realized that I was the only one in control of my emotions is when I found happiness.  How we treat ourselves and others is so important to our future.  I encourage you to have “Me Time.”  You must take care of You because it always starts with YOU!
This is GOALYGO!
Yanira ALY Nazario :))


Thursday, August 1, 2013

No matter what...

Sometimes people are uncertain about the path they should take.  We’re faced with so many different opportunities and choices but which road do we travel?   I believe we all experience this at one point in our lives.  It’s important to think things through before making any final decisions so that you can determine what’s best for you. 

I have personally been in this situation many times where I had to make a final decision but had a hard time getting to that point.  Decisions such as starting a new business, ending a relationship, moving to a new place or whether to follow my attorney’s advice.  I believe that every decision gets you one step closer to the next best level for you.  They strengthen your character and define who you are.

I encourage everyone to embrace each situation and accept the consequences of your decisions.  You are never alone and no matter what, you will always grow regardless of what challenges you face in your life.

This is GOALYGO!

Yanira ALY Nazario :))