Monday, August 12, 2013

NOT Everything Works...Life Moves Fast

Life moves fast and sometimes we don’t realize how fast we’re going.

It was early 2011 when I decided to dedicate all my efforts to a new project I was working on in Puerto Rico. This new business was taking up a lot of my energy, money and time and unfortunately things were not falling into place as I had planned.  I felt like I kept hitting road blocks; everywhere I turned there was an issue or some type of problem and things were just not working out but, I was still hopeful.

I decided to give it one more try and so I booked a business trip to Puerto Rico for twelve long days. This trip was planned for me to iron out all the final details and move forward with our business launch.  I was willing to do everything within my power to make this new business profitable.   I went from meeting to meeting, met a lot of new faces but, for some reason, something just didn’t feel right.  I was completely exhausted and stressed out.  I was working non-stop with barely any sleep and was genuinely concerned.

It was the last day of my trip when I unexpectedly started to feel sick.  It had been a pretty demanding business trip so I figured I had just over done it and my body was finally shutting down.  I had one last meeting right before my flight, with a distributor, to communicate the expectations and deadlines our company had for the project.   After the meeting I drove straight to the airport to head back home to Orlando.  At that point I really started to feel weak but, I kept moving forward and boarded the plane.  As we were getting ready to take off the flight attendant approached me and asked “Are you ok?  You look sick.”  And I responded “Oh, I’m just really tired; it’s been a long week.”

We finally land in Orlando when all of a sudden I feel a hot sensation on the right side of my stomach to the point where I had a hard time walking.  It was a weird feeling but I kept moving anxious to get home.   As soon as I got home I took a shower and noticed some type of insect bite on my stomach. The area was completely red and swollen.  I called my mother right away and she told me to monitor the bite and apply Neosporin.

When morning came my condition had worsened.  The pain was so intense that I was unable to walk or do much of anything.  I ended up in the emergency room with absolutely no energy, could barely breathe and was told I needed an emergency surgery right away.  I had been bitten by a poisonous spider during my trip to Puerto Rico and had a very serious infection.  I was given five different antibiotics but, none would kill the bacteria.  To make matters worse, I was also told I had a twenty percent chance of survival.  I found myself at the hospital fighting for my life.  

Thankfully the surgery was a success and I slowly started to recover.  That was the moment I realized that work is not everything in our lives. I had an opportunity to evaluate what really mattered in my life and know who my true friends were.  I ended up terminating the contract we had with the distributor in Puerto Rico and took three months off from work.  I needed to reevaluate certain things and make changes.  I couldn’t believe I had ended up in the hospital and almost lost my life.  So many bad things were happening.  I found out two years later that the same distributor we had started working with ended up in jail for conducting unethical business.  At that moment I realized that “The Spider Bite” was a lesson to slow down.

I no longer rush into situations or business arrangements with people.  I’ve learned to allow time to show what’s best for me.  I encourage you to slow down and try to live a stress-free life because in the end you are only hurting yourself.  Today I live a healthy life. I handle situations case by case and have learned to trust my senses.


This is GOALYGO!


Yanira ALY Nazario J

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