Friday, August 23, 2013

A Purpose for Everything...

Many people believe that “everything happens for a reason…”

With having experienced so many different situations in my life, I truly believe without a doubt that everything does, in fact, happen for a reason.  We usually don’t understand why certain things happen until time goes by and allows us to see the bigger picture.  I believe time shows you everything.  It’s like watching a movie of your life where you can see how different events came together, why they took place and how you grew from those moments.

We sometimes don’t accept the reality of our situations and only see what we want to believe but, sooner or later the truth comes out.  We avoid making certain decisions or changes in our lives because we’re afraid of the unknown but, once we accept our reality we begin to understand why things happened the way they did.   

For many years I found myself asking “when is this going to happen for me?” and “why am I experiencing these horrible feelings?” but, eventually everything fell into place and I experienced what was meant for me.  Things that consume a lot of energy and strength are usually not the best options for us but, every event in our lives has its purpose even when things go really bad.  It’s the only way we get to grow into a new level of maturity and gain wisdom.

I encourage you to be patient and understanding with every moment in your life because there is always a lesson to be learned.  The lesson to understand what happened, why it happened and how you can strive to be better.  Everything happens for a reason.   I encourage you to embrace new opportunities and changes because it’s the only way you can become a better YOU.
This is GOALYGO!
Yanira ALY Nazario :))

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