Tuesday, October 8, 2013

GO with an Opportunity!

We are all given many opportunities in life.  I believe when an opportunity meets perfect timing you have success.  There are opportunities for us to learn and take the next step in our journey.  Each person we meet is a connection that can lead to a new opportunity and it’s up to us to decide whether or not to pursue it.  However, not everyone we meet is meant to be part of our life.

You have to define where you want to go in this journey called Life.  If you focus on your dreams you will have an opportunity to see those dreams unfold in front of you.  When something doesn’t feel right, always follow your gut.  Your gut is your true self; your GPS on what’s right or wrong.  Follow your instincts no matter what and you’ll avoid regretting certain decisions.  We can decide to take any opportunity and use it to grow, learn and help others.  Do what’s right and recognize others.  You can pick and choose any opportunity because at the end of the day you are designing your own life. GO Connect with others to get closer to your dreams!
This is GOALYGO!
Yanira ALY Nazario :))

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